3 Incredible Writing Lessons from Stephen King’s “On Writing”

hardcover_prop_embedStephen King may always be known as a horror writer, but with over 50 published novels and 200 short stories spanning from the epic fantasy Dark Tower series to the prison-break novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, which earned earned seven academy award nominations as a feature film, including best picture he’s penned a range of tales. Simply put, King is a master storyteller. And he has a lot to say about writing.

In 2000, one year after suffering a near-fatal accident, King published On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, a beautiful and at times tragic account of his life, told in the candid style that has made him one of America’s most successful authors. It’s full of practical advice for aspiring writers. Here three quick lessons from the book. Continue reading